Belinda Jensen had her interest in meteorology from back to her childhood which she spent near the St. Croix River in Prescott, Wisconsin. One of five children, Jensen said it was a great place to grow up. She has always loved the outdoors and excelled in science since then.
From her illustrious career, the media personality has also earned a good amount of money. As per estimation made by various online sources, her net worth can be believed to be around $0.5 million, in 2019. And as a meteorologist, her annual salary is $88,850.
For more than 20 years, she’s brought her pa s sion for all things to her work as a meteorologist for ‘KARE 11 News’, co-host of ‘KARE 11 Saturday’ and ‘Grow With KARE’. She has made her home in Edina since she moved to the Twin Cities from Utah in 1994. Jensen has been a chief meteorologist at KARE 11 for 8 years. Thus, she surely is paid a handsome salary and may have a fine amount of net worth, which she hasn't talked to the media yet.
Science Lover Jensen Moved to Utah to Pursue a Master’s Degree
Jensen, who has always enjoyed Science, was told that she was as smart as her older brother by her high school Physics teacher. After graduating with a degree bachelor of science in meteorology, Jensen moved to Utah to be close to her parents and earn a master’s degree in atmospheric science.
At Madison, Jensen was offered an internship at KARE 11, where Paul Douglas, who was a KARE 11 meteorologist, became her mentor.
Jensen Married David and Has Two Children Recently
Jensen returned to the Midwest carrying more than a suitcase and having a new job. While living in Utah, she met a man who was likely to become her husband. A kind of person like Belinda, David originally came from California and decided to get home not far than eight miles from the TV station. The couple recently has two children, now ages 13 and 9.
As it’s a pa s sion for Jensen’s to educate kids about weather events, she has been invited to speak to second-grade students about the weather for 25 years. After spending 25 years of her life in Meteorology, Jensen has now become one of the top meteorologists in the USA.
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