
Lisa Boothe Is The Substitue To Eric Bolling On ‘The Fox News Specialist’. Harassment Charge on Eric

Lisa Boothe, the fox news contributor will work as a substitute in the news channel.

She will be working in replacement of Eric Bolling on ‘the fox news specialist.’ Eric is currently suspended as he is facing allegations of sexual hara s sment. 

Whereas Boothe will be the first amongst the multiple personalities to join ‘The Specialists. ’

It is reported that Bolling is no more part of the show, not even in the social media as his name has been removed from the shows twitter account and this happened on Sunday.


Fox is currently investigating the whole issue of hara s sment till then Bolling remains suspended. The claims made on him has distributed unsolicited, lewd photos of himself to his co-employees.

The allegations on Bolling rose after the ongoing controversies of Fox news over sexual a s saults and hara s sment.


Many of the famous personalities have to suffer for the hara s sment in previous days and this time Bolling is in a queue to join Bill O’ Reilly and Roger Ailes.

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