Hasan Adan Samatar


Hasan Adan Samatar is an outstanding guitarist, Somalian singer, also well known as a professional theater performer and the man who got Lifetime Achievement in Minnesota from Somalian Community. 

Early life and education 

Samatar was born in a very talented family in Dinsoor, Somalia on May 23, 1953. Though he was born in Dinsoor, later he went to Baidoa and was raised there as well. Samatar attended elementary school in Baidoa.

Finishing his high school, Samatar shifted to Mogadishu, the capital city of their nation to attend his secondary school. After his graduation from high school, Samatar rolled on joining university which is located in Italy. 

Hasan Adan Samatar was very fond of music since his early age. His interest in music began when he sang for the first time at very young age and started playing guitar later. 

Samatar's most of the songs are in Somali accent, however, some of his early tunes were in English accent also. Samatar's first song is Hadaad diido hadalkayga which was made in 1974. 


Samatar's career first appeared in the year of 1971, when he participated in Heesaha Hirgalay, a talent hunt which was as same value as American Idol of Somalia's time. Fortunately, Samatar ended up winning the competition.

After he won the competition, Samatar was drafted to Waaberi, a Somali Music ensemble and later on he turned up as a leader in theater scenes and in local music. 

Samatar has an awesome musical collection around 200 songs and has jammed up with several Somalian celebrities some of them including Khadija Qalanjo, Seynab Haji Ali and Sado Cali etc. Moreover, Samatar has also rolled up in dozens of theater plays.

Some of his all-time hit creations in music are Soohor Caashaqa and Kala Hadi.

Personal life

Talking about his personal life, Information regarding his love affair, wife are yet to be revealed. However, looking at his age we can strongly a s sure that Samatar is already married and he must have grandchildren too. 

Currently, Samatar is 64 years in age and lives in Toronto, Ontario, Cannada and Amsterdam and still extends his musical tour all around the world. 

Hasan Adan Samatar holds Somalian nationality and belongs to black ethnicity. Additionally, Gemini is his horoscope. 

Besides his singing and acting career, Samatar is strongly involving in numerous charity works. He also performs in concert in order to raise funds for different purpose such as building schools, hospitals and also providing any kind of supports to those who are suffered from violence. 

Net worth 

Hasan Adan Samatar earns a heavy amount of salary by his various career such as singing and acting that is strong enough to hold his luxurious life, whereas his exact net worth is yet to be disclosed. 

by ab-niranjan, 24 Mar, 2017

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