Brandon Beck


47 years old Brandon Beck is an entrepreneur who is best known as the co-founder and serves as Chief executive officer of Riot Games with colleague Marc Merrill, a company that has been working in game making.

Brandon’s most popular games are League of Legend, which made Riot to a prominent company in the gaming world. Is also given identity to Riot’s co-founder Brandon Beck in the gaming world.

Early life and Education

Brandon Beck is the most familiar faces in the U.S. who was born on January 3, 1970, in the United States. Regarding his ethnicity and nationality, he is a white American entrepreneur. After completing his schooling, he moved to the University of Southern California and earned Bachelors of Science, Business Administration, majoring/Marketing.

Upon graduating, after seven years, Brandon Beck became the alumni of the university and in 2011 he even gave the commencement speech at the Marshall School of Business.

Career and Path

After finishing his graduation, Brandon Beck started his professional career at Bain & Company as a management consultant. In September 2004, Beck began to work for Bain & Company and held the prestigious position of management consultant for two years.

During his inc u mbency at Bain & Company, Brandon Beck focused on entertainment, private equity, and technology. After working at the company for more than two years, he decided to open his own consultancy firm.

Brandon Beck then founded gaming company, Riot in September 2006 with the target of bringing Gamer’s Games to players all over the world. He is has been working in game making. He has been working in game making. He then began to work on providing and creating HD online games.

Brandon Beck’s approach and method have been totally different than other gaming companies, which sell $60 shiny discs and giving free entertainment services.

Married and Affair

This incredible co-founder Brandon Beck is a happily married to his girlfriend Natasha Beck and is seen together with his wife posting several shots in the socials networks. His wife also frequently informs that her husband Brandon has always been loving and never changed his good ways.

On top of that, the couple has a small newborn child Ryde and they have been more caring towards their child. The child was born on April 7, 2014, and is now 3 years old. 

Net worth and Body Measurement

Being the entrepreneur and CEO of a successful game company Riot, he has acc u mulated the mouthwatering amount of net worth $50 million. He stands at the height of 5 feet 9 inches. He has a brown hair and brown eyes.?

by sanjeet, 11 May, 2017

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