
A Baby Was Born With Natural Frosted Tips; Mother Claims The Baby Is Little David Beckham

by Luna,

While Many People Are Dying Over To get David Beckham’s Iconic Noughties Frosted Tips, A Baby Girl Was Born With Natural Blonde Highlights In Her Dark Brown Hair.

30 years old mother Charlotte Evans and father Lewis Evans from High Wycombe in Buckinghamshire were shocked when their daughter Daisy was born with locks naturally styled with the highlights.

Charlotte joked that her little daughter Daisy had taken after her father’s dyed red highlights. She also noted the similarity between her daughter’s blonde tips and David Beckham’s famous hairstyle back in 2000.

The hilarious pictures show the 12 days old newborn with long dark brown hair and bright blonde streaks running through it.

The mother claimed that her daughter’s hair became the talk of the hospital. One of the midwives even claimed that she had never seen anything like it in her 44 years career.

Charlotte, the mother of four, had never seen the highlights on her three children. However, she claimed that her 36 years old brother Jon Blower was born with highlights himself.

Now, Charlotte claims that her daughter Daisy is her own little David Beckham for her naturally beautiful- stylish barnet. She said:

It's really cute. Thinking about it she really looks like him. She's my own little David Beckham, bless her.

Charlotte and her husband Lewis suspect that the color of their daughter’s hair will fade away as time pa s ses, but are not quite clear which color it would turn.

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