Roy Price


Roy Price is an American ex-entertainment executive and the former president of's media development division, Amazon Studios.

Early life and education

Roy Prince was born on 21st July 1967 in Los Angeles, California, USA. Price is known for being from Hollywood royalty. Roy's mother, Katherine Crawford, was an actress known for her works in A Walk in the Spring Rain, Riding with Death.

Roy is white in ethnicity and holds an American nationality.

Price's father, Frank Prince, had numerous Hollywood positions for executive including the head of Universal TV in 1970, later he served as CEO and Chairman of Columbia Academy Andover and a Havard University after that he joined Gould School of Law.


Price served for Disney from the year 1993 to 2000 as animated-series VP. Roy teamed up with Amazon in the year 2004. In 2008, Roy launched Amazon video and Amazon Studios in 2010.

His whole career has been described as irreverent, puckish and infinitely bolder than other Hollywood execs. On 17 October 2017, Roy left his post at Amazon due to the allegations of sexual misconduct.

Personal life

On 12 October 2017, A reporter from Hollywood published an account from the Man in the High Castle and Philip K. Dick's Electric Dreams produce,r Isa Hackett alleging that Price sexually hara s sed her.

In 2015, he failed to take actions when another actress told Roy that she was sexually a s saulted by the producer, Harvey Weinstein. The information was published earlier, on 25 August, a report disclosed that Amazon had investigated a sexual hara s sment complaint from Hackett. After it happened to be true, the company immediately fired Price.

Later on 16 October 2017, Roy's fiancee, Lila Feinberg, announced that she broke up their wedding.

Net worth

Roy has a good amount of net worth. Roy has earned a lot of money during the time he worked as a CEO and Chairman of's media development division, Amazon Studios. his estimated net worth as of 2017 is $14 million.

by ab-sandip, 06 Nov, 2017

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