
How Much Is Model Bernice Burgos' Net Worth? Her Career And Achievements

by Bryan,

How Much Is Model Bernice Burgos' Net Worth? Her Career And Achievements

Bernice Burgos is widely acknowledged as an Instagram sensation, with hundred thousands of followers on various social media platforms, in particular, Instagram. Burgos's physique which resembles an hourgla s s has been an appealing attribute in her modeling career. Her amazing personality is just the cherry at the top.                          

Today, we'll reveal the details of the net worth of this beautiful lady from her successful career as a model and entrepreneur. Stay with us.   

How Much Is Bernice Burgos' Net Worth?    

Bernice Burgos has an estimated net worth of $1.1 million. The 38-year-old Instagram star makes most of her money through her modeling career as well as appearances in music videos.   

Burgos initially started out as a waitress and bartender. An average bartender makes around $20,000 to $30,000 annually in the US. Moreover, the model has featured in several music videos. This notably includes Work Out and Ain't Leaving Without You, as well as MTV's Wind 'n' Out. Furthermore, Bernice appeared on the covers of various magazines.    

Burgos owns a clothing line too. Her business is called Bold and Beautiful which she runs with her daughter. It deals with a wide range of women sleepwear.  

The clothing line has a total of 15 sleepwear which begins with the price of around $30 and goes as high as $55. Apparently, there are 5 new arrivals at the price of $53.99.

This talented model earns decent cash from ads on her Instagram account. Moreover, she appears to be fascinated by cars as she often posts pictures with them.  

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Burgos appears to be an Apple brand lover since she uses the latest iPhone as observed on her Instagram.

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Sunday Mood.

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This gorgeous model definitely makes a decent money from her Instagram activities. It is reported a sponsored ad costs around $300, so she definitely should be making a lot judging by the frequency of the posts.

Bernice Burgos' Career And Achievements

Before her fame, Bernice Burgos was a struggling person as she worked as a bartender and waitress. Later, she began appearing on a few music videos and commercials. Then she started modeling for various brands. She regularly featured in fashion shows walking on the ramp.

Burgos also appeared on MTV’s Wild N Out. She featured on various music videos including J. Cole’s "Work Out"Jaheim’s "Ain’t Leaving Without You", and Hal Linton’s "Southern Hospitality".

Moreover, she appeared in different print publications such as Show Magazine, KING Magazine, XXL Eye Candy, The Source and SHOW Black Lingerie. Bernice even appeared in video shoots with Black Men magazine and the Hot New Hip Hop.

Bernice is active on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook with millions of fans and followers. As of October 2018, her Instagram has 4.5 million followers.

Bernice Burgos: Quick Facts

  • Born on 17th April 1980 in New York.
  • Her birth sign is Aries.
  • She has starred in quite a few music videos by J Cole and Rick Ross as well as participated in high-profile fashion shows.
  • She regularly makes headlines with her torrid affairs.
  • She admitted to undergoing breast and hip jobs to enhance her modeling career.
  • On 14th December 2010, she was arrested for physically hitting a 14-year-old girl, later charged with committing a second-degree crime.
  • She was accused by T.I.’s former wife, Tameka "Tiny" Harris, of wrecking her marriage.
  • She dropped out of school due to an unplanned pregnancy and at the mere age of 15, which led to her first daughter, Ashley Burgos; her second daughter is named Sari Burgos.
  • She became a grandmother in March 2018 after her eldest daughter Ashley gave birth to a daughter of her own named Amarie.