
The Weinstein Company Has Fired Its Co-founder Harvey Weinstein Amid Sexual Harassment Allegations

by Joey Jordan,

The Weinstein Company has fired its co-founder Harvey Weinstein after series of sexual hara s sment claims. The board of directors of the company said that they made the decision in light of new information emerged about Harvey’s misconduct in last few days.

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Weinstein, who has produced highly successful movies like Shakespeare in Love, Gangs of New York, and The King’s Speech, has been fired by the company which was established by himself. The board members who made the decision include Weinstein’s brother Robert Weinstein.

CAPTION: The Weinstein Company Has Fired Its Co-founder Harvey Weinstein Amid Sexual Harassment Allegations SOURCE:


The statement released by the company on Sunday evening reads: “The directors of the Weinstein Company--have determined, and have informed Harvey Weinstein, that his employment with The Weinstein Company is terminated, effective immediately.”

The sexual hara s sment scandal came out over last weekend which has deepened and becomes more intense which probably be a threat to the future of the Company. Also, CNN reported some clients of the Weinstein Co. said they might stop working with the company if Harvey Weinstein was still a s sociated with the company. It might be the main cause of termination of Harvey.


A day ago, two attorneys; Lanny Davis and Lisa Bloom, quit working with him as an adviser while before she quit her responsibility to Harvey, she tweeted, “My understanding is that Mr. Weinstein and his board are moving toward an agreement.”

The sexual hara s sment allegations unveiled by the New York Times this past week revealed that Harvey had been hara s sing the actresses, his employees, and some other employees over last three decades; actress like Ashley Judd is also one of the victims of Weinstein’s hara s sment.