
S. Epatha Merkerson

S. Epatha Mekerson was born with her birth name as Sharon Epatha Mekerson who was born in November 28, 1952. The birth place of Mekerson is located in Saginaw, Michigan of United States who is running 63 years old in age. The professional start of this actress began from the year 1986 and from the very time she has been gaining achievements in the industry who has presented herself in many film, television as well as stages like an actress being. Not only is this Mekerson also the winner of Emmy Award, Golden Globe award as well as Obie Award. She has also been nominated for Tony Award for 2 times in her life because of her dashing presentation as Anita Van Buren that was on air from the year 1993 till the year 2010. Mekerson mother name is Ann and she was the first women working in vehicles operation located in Detroit Post Office. Her father was a factory worker and later in the year 1957 this couple got divorce.

Mekerson in the year 1970 got graduated and his schooling was completed from Cooley High School during the very time. She has obtained her bachelor’s degree in the subject of Fine Arts and her career started began with the theatre study from Wayne State University which started in the year 1978. She was moved to Humane Letters during the very time for her further education. The television debut of Mekerson started from pee-wee’s Playhouse in the very time. The Piano Lesson was the one from where she got nominated for Tony Award and this according to her was the best achievement of her life. 

Looking on the personal life of Mekerson it can be seen that she was married lady whom she later got divorced later with the end of her married stage. The name of her spouse was Toussaint Louverture Jones, Jr. Jones and Mekerson was born in the year 1994 and they were living with a happy life in Washington Height Section as soon as they got married. Mekerson before getting married was never into any affair and dating stories with any boyfriend. Mekerson bio is more justified about her career rather than her spouse and children. Mekerson has never been into any affair after her divorce neither she has any rumors in regard to her dating. She is very optimist personality and very confident in her working career.

Mekerson height is 5 feet 6 inches and weight is also balanced with her body measurement. Mekerson additionally is capable in earning successful amount of net worth and salary. In the present phase she is earning 5 million American dollars which is the estimated amount of money in the year 2016. She is also planning to contribute some of the amount in social charity.