
Patrick Johnson

Patrick Johnson was born in February 19, 1993. This 23 years old man is professional actor working from the year 2007 till the current time. His work is appreciated by his fans with his playing for “Ray ‘Ray J” and this was in within Necessary Roughness. Patrick Johnson birth place is located within Orlando, Florida of United States and he is the 5th child out of the 6 children in the family. Patrick is currently living in Nashville, Tennessee. He is holding American nationality and his ethnicity background belongs into white. Patrick father was working in a departmental store and his mother was a nurse by occupation. Patrick was very shy kind of baby boy while he was young in his age.

Patrick started working along with his 3 of the siblings while they were contracted within Nashville as to their very first agent. He also became a part into the first of its audition within three weeks and with his amazing presentation he was booked for it as his job. Additionally he was also made to get screen within Necessary Roughness which is USA Network Show from where he was able to grab the attention of many of the people in such. This top show was premiered for the very first time in June 29, 2011. Likewise, his presence in the film Master during the year 2007 as the short role of Darren is also his work that has been appreciated by his people in such. This also made him to become a part in Digital Diary: Robby that was in the year 2009 with his character as Robby within Video Short.

Patrick was nominated as Young Artist Award in the year 2013 due to his progressive presentation in Necessary Roughness and that was appreciated by many of his fans across. Looking now to his personal life, there is no any clear vision and information about his data regarding his affair, married, spouse as well as children. Though it is mentioned that he is been spotted time and again with one of the girl in the public place whom the guesses has been made as his affair still, there is no any clear fact whether they are running their affair or not. Patrick is still not so close among the social sites and media therefore he has been lacking and missing in sharing many of the information about him.

Patrick is 5 feet 11 inches tall in his height and his weight seems much perfect with his height due to his fitness and body conscious nature. Likewise, the current information in his bio also elaborated his salary and net worth that has been earned by him from his career. The latest information dictates that his net worth is achieved around 2 million American dollars in today’s time.