
Lionel Richie

Lionel Richie was born with his birth name as Lionel Brockman Richie, Jr. He was born in June 20, 1949. The birth place of Lionel was located in Tuskegee, Alabama of United States. From the year 1968 within the present context, the 66 years old man has been very active in the Hollywood  film industry, where he works as an actor, record producer, as well as instrument players. Lionel is presently living in Beverly Hills, California and he is a member of the musical group named "Commodores". His music albums has been sold all across the world. The number of album sold is so remarkabke that even made him stand tall and successful. Lionel;s mother name is Alberta R and his father is Lionel Brockman Richie, Sr. He spent his childhood in many parts of United States due to the personal business of his father.

In Tuskegee Institute, he acquired his early level of campus study. Later, Lionel graduated from Joliet Township high school and also gained tennis scholarship within the very time. Lionel was an active member, a s sociated with Kappa Kappa. He also is known as an active member at\\ Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Lionel, soon after his completion of education engaged himself into his professional life. Similarly, he also mentioned his solo career and in the year 1982 he introduced his song "Truly" which made his fans to get closer with him. The success, thenafter, made him to give another hit songs like “You Are” and “My Love” to his fans and followers. 

Lionel is the father of 3 children and has had 3 marital affairs. Lionel got married for the first time with his first affair. Brenda Harvey Richie. He officially mentioned her as his spouse in the year 1975. Later, in the year 1993, this couple got separated. Additionally, for the second time he starteddating Diana Alexander Richie which then turned into a married life in the year 1995. Even this marital bond did not last for a longer time and they got divorced in 2004. Lionel, belonging to American nationality, is currently searching for a partner from a similar background as he claims he is a single man. Lionel hobbies are interesting, he loves sleeping in his free time and states dreams are far better than the reality.

He has got a good heriht of 5 feet and 11 inches. His weight is also managed along with his height. Additionally, the latest salary and net worth of Lionel is exclusive as he earns around 200 million American dollars dollars. The data is as of  the beginning of this year.