
Kyla Pratt

Kyla Pratt was born with her birth name as Kyla Alissa Pratt who was born in September 16, 1986. Kyla original place of birth is located in LA of USA and she is 29 in her age. This actress active year started from the year 1993 who is recognized from her work in many notable films and televisions among this includes the Proud Family as one of the successful story of her career which was series from Disney Channel. Along with this playing in Dr Dolittle and Dr. Dolittle 2 as portraying with the character of Eddie Murphy she got high fame and popularity among her close people. She was the eldest out of 5 children of her parents whose mother name is Kecia Pratt McCullar. Her mother was teacher in school and father was semi-professional player in basketball whose name is Johnny McCullar.

Kyla from the age of 8 started her official career and in the very moment she used to get featured in television commercials with her talented roles. In the interactive gamed and Nike she was good in her presentation skills and also in Walker and Texas Ranger her fame got increased all across the world. Getting a s signed within The Proud Family Movie she did her challenging performance and introduced herself as such an actress who can portray herself in any of the work that has been a s signed.

Kyla is married lady and she is very committed with her relationship. Since the year 2005 she is working properly with her love of the life without any indication and signal to divorce him. In fact she is now the mother of 2 children and her daughter Lyric Kai Kirkpatrick was born in November 17, 2010. Along with this her second daughter was born in August 5, 2013 whose name is Liyah Kickpatrick. Kyla with her white gown in her wedding was linked by many of the people which gossips are still rumored in market as well as pictures are available in internet. More in her bio besides her career she is much attached with her kids and during the birth of her first babies she was able to take short gap in her career but due to her supportive husband she was able to continue her work as it is her working age. Kyla has faith in god and she is religious lady. She is smart momma for her kids and intelligent wife for her husband. They even claimed they have never fought in their love life.

Kyla is 5 feet 4 inches in tall and it seems she has gained her weight compared to last year but she is saying she is managing on her food diet. Kyla salary and net worth both are getting her too wealthy live along with her children which are to be 2.5 million American dollars.