
Johnny Whitworth

Johnny Whitworth was born in October 31, 1975 who is running 40 years old his age. Johnny birth place is Charleston, South California and he is working as an actor within the industry from the year 1994. Johnny is mostly recognized from his performance within Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance as a villain named Blackout in the year 2012. Johnny father and mother were divorced during his very early age of time therefore he was brought up by his mother within Plano Texas and made him to live with his father. Johnny mother started working in a sales company and his father was a numerologist by his professional identity.

Johnny started his early career in the age of 18 and that was the very time where he started his career with minor roles in Party of Five which was in 1994. Along with this he got opportunity to work with big banner movie named Bye Bye Love in the year 1995. With his success he was again offered in Empire Records playing A.J. in the film during the very time. Johnny most challenging work he has ever undertaken was within CSI: Miami where he was portrayed on the character upon the crime drama where he sincerely got presented over there. 

Johnny is very open about his personal life. In the early time he was dating with Dana Daurey but the time period of their relationship is not available in the media with whom he broke up before getting married with her. Similarly, for the second time his affair again started with Gina Phillips in 1996 till the year 1999 and due to their high stages of conflicts they got separated from their relationship. Again he flashed his name of his new girlfriend as Megan Pepin in the year 2006 which lasted just for 1 year of time and ended before getting married. Johnny is not married by now neither he is divorce. He has no children but by now he thinks he need to seriously be in relationship and mention the lady as his spouse. By now he is busy in his career but near later he claims he will be getting married to his love of life. Johnny is not gay and he has not been into any rumors and controversy in the present phase of time. Johnny is music lover and for his music is the best medicine for him.

Johnny height is 6 feet tall and he holds white belonging in ethnicity background. At the same time his salary and net worth is also a s sumed to be dashing range of money which is around 3 million American dollars in the current year.

Johnny is handsome face in social networking sites and he has high fan following in Instagram. His Twitter posts are also amazing and interesting.