
John Oliver Grilled Alex Jones On Last Week Tonight, Major 5 Points

by Arya Pokhrel,

John Oliver had a quite busy Monday night. He’s been on a long hiatus almost the entire July—and the time that’s pa s sed since his last show has felt, unsurprisingly, like a small eternity. But the infamous Last Week Tonight host came prepared to make up for lost time.

Oliver started off the week by roasting Anthony Scarramucci and then started a war with the Infowars’ host, Alex Jones.

Though the show could have dedicated its entire airing time to what happened in the past week — Jared Kushner's prepared speech at the White House, the explosive interview that new White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci gave to The New Yorker, and the ouster of White House chief of staff Reince Priebus — Oliver instead chose to grilled the radio host Alex Jones.

Here are the major 5 points that we need to know about Monday’s Last Week Tonight’s episode.

  1. Although the Infowars host recently climbed to conservative media prominence through explosive claims that go viral, Oliver looked past all of that and decided to actually go for something that Jones usually does in the show—shill merchandise. In the episode, Oliver said that in one week of Jones' recent broadcasts, he spent nearly a quarter of the time either talking about or playing ads for his products. And he also stated that he has a lot of them.
  2. Oliver then bought the "Infowars" store’s survival gear, organic shampoo and soaps, and a Bill Clinton rape whistle and roasted the host by saying that it came with a complimentary "9-11 Was an Inside Job" bumper sticker. Adding up the statement, “Combat One” moist towelettes that specifically state that they “can be used anywhere needed, including the perineal area.”
  3. Oliver also stated that Jones’s “medical expert”, who Jones claimed that he “got his degree from MIT,” actually got a degree from Texas Chiropractic College, and MIT told Last Week Tonight that “it is not accurate to say [Group] has a degree from MIT.” Oliver brought out his own medical expert — played by 30 Rock’s Jack McBrayer — to sell his own tactical a s sault wipes on the website,
  4. Oliver also taste-tested a drink mix called "Caveman True Paleo Formula" and refuted Jones' claim that it tastes "better than Ovaltine. "I know for a fact that Alex Jones did not enjoy drinking that gla s s of Caveman because I have got a gla s s of Caveman right here," Oliver said raising a gla s s. "And I can confirm to you that it tastes exactly how you imagine a drink would taste that is made from chocolate and domesticated bird corpses."
  5. The popular show also played a clip of Alex saying "Infowars" costs $45 million to $50 million to run and that any money from his store goes back into the show. But Oliver also noted that Jones had sported at least three different Rolex watches on his show.

Oliver definitely didn’t leave any chance to roast Alex Jones and the audience enjoyed the Monday show as well.