
James Badge Dale

James was born in May 1, 1978 who is known with his birth name as James Badgett Dale and now his professional name is James Badge Dale. James is currently 37 years old and he was born in New York City of New York of United States. With his active years started from the year 1990 till the present time he started presenting himself within films and television. His characters in the drama series like Rubicon Chase Edmunds are one of the remarkable performances made by him from where he earned his fame and popularity. Dale is the only child of his parents whose mother is an actress and singer Anita Morris who was born in 1943 and died in 1994. Similarly, his father is an actor and choreographer whose name is Grover Dale who was born in 1935. Since, his parents were sincere within the entertainment field as their professional life he was highly influenced by their workings.

James joined Laurel Canyon for his schooling and before this he studied till 5th grade in Wonderland Elementary School. During the very time he was taken for the test within Lord of the Files for his character. Similarly, he also studied within Manhattan College for his further study. During the very time while he was playing with one of the team in hockey he seriously got injured with his leg and got bed rest for a few times. His character as Chase Edmunds is still remembered by his fans all across the world. 

James is also known with his nickname as Badge and there is very limited and low information available about James in his personal bio. He has also not stated about his affair, married life as well as his spouse. The guess is that he got married with his girlfriend after his long affair but there is no any authentic information about the source. Similarly, it has also been seen James with some of the kids and they are a s sumed as his children. Still there is no any adequate information that can be said reliable about these sources. James is also a secret dancer. But he has not mentioned it openly to the public. He also loves reading novel and stories during his free time. Even he is a good writer in fact he is multi-personality who has creativity in his mind with various new ideas. He is very close enough with many of the people being good friends.

James height is approximately around 5 feet 11 inches and his body is absolutely sexy with attractive bi-shapes and body measurement. James is earning with his net worth of money which is around 1.5 million American dollars in the present time and he is successful in more earning in the coming years. He is also planning to get into business as career.