
Jack Bassam Barakat

Jack Ba s sam Barakat birth place is located in nationality falling across Lebanon and his mother name is Joyce. The name of Jack father is Ba s sam and this couple had 3 children and Jack is among one of them. Jack belongs from Lebanese descent. Jack is also called out as “Lebanese Prince” who spent his early childhood within Baltimore. Jack current best friends also belong from the same place. Jack father was running his private company and his mother was helping hand of his father. He was raised up with his cousin sister due to the busy schedule of his parents and he is now 27 years old. Jack was born in June 18, 1988 and he is popular with his album All Time Low that was listed under U.S. Alternative albums which was during 2009 till 2012.

Jack was highly interested in music in early age of his time. He met his best friend Alex Gaskarth during his high school time and from the very time they remained best friend. Jack was also linked up with local bands during the very time and he planned to establish his own band within the very time. He later also provided his vocals background within “Damned If I Do Ya” which was also mentioned a big hit in the meantime.

Jack sister name is May and his brother name is Joe who is younger than him. There is very limited profile of Jack among the public and his trademark is Skunk Hair. His 24 birthday was celebrated by him on behalf of his friends located within Las Vegas in the year 2012 while he was Warped with his musical tour in the very moment. Jack is not married man because according to him he is just 27 and still he needs 4-5 years to get married. Still, he is rumored of having a girlfriend and being in the circle of affair. The name of the lady is not flashed across and among the media. According to some of his fans it is guessed that the affair of his life also belongs from the musical industry and they both are having a fabulous time each other.

Jack height is 6 feet 2 inches in tall and his shoe size is 11 US and 44 EU. Jack current salary and net worth is also exclusive sum of money and as according to him the latest calculation is estimated to be around 6 million American dollars in the start of the year 2016.

Jack is seen within social networking sites and his pictures and information is also easily available in the popular sites like Wikipedia and IMDb. He is the active user of twitter and his posts are liked by many of his fans. In addition he is also available in Instagram by now along with his latest pictures.