Is Paul Magers, a news anchor, happy with his married life and his children?

Paul Magers (conceived May 15, 1954) is an American newscaster works for the CBS possessed and worked TV channel KCBS in Los Angeles, California.Paul Magers was hitched for a long time. Magers and his significant other, Kathryn, are guardians of two little girls Emily and Anna .
Is Paul Magers happy with his married life & children?
The pair imparts their Coldwater Canyon home to an orange dark-striped cat named Bentley, and Albert, a brilliant retriever they received after he neglected to qualify to wind up an aide dog.Paul's better half Kathy Andrew pa s sed on in July of growth at 72 years old. His significant other of 33 years, Susie Andrews, now of Palm Springs, California.
Paul Magers of CBS 2 News in Los Angeles shares his thoughts on the state of broadcast journalism, life, love, and what it all means in the end
Paul fouled up, deduction Kathy was attempting to catch him in a selfie .When Kathy attempted to ring a photograph on her Droid of the Mager's' little girls, Emily and Anna. They are lovely ladies now. Girl Anna was only a fantasy of them. Around April 1994 Paul had called the Magee's searching for Paul and began visiting with Kathy.
Amid Paul's babbling, he inquired as to whether she was having an infant since he had imagined that she was. Kathy was somewhat staggered. She told Paul, they purchased a home pregnancy test and my fantasy was confirmed.American stay Paul Mager felt honored with the affection for his significant other and little girls.
Paul Mager And Diana Pierce:
In September 1983 Diana Pierce,wife of Theatrical Producer spouse Dennis Babc* * k was combined with Paul Magers while working at WTCN. In the good 'old days, no one was viewing. She was the rich, thoughtful nearness close by Magers, not that he needed beauty, when their prominence took off, making them the No. 1 stay group in the metro.Magers, who has been a grapple at KARE since 1983, Diana Pierce was working with Paul Magers as force grapple couple for a long time work in Los Angeles in 2003 .
Pierce co-secured with Paul Magers (at left) for a long time until Magers left for KCBS. They got to be a standout amongst the most well-known stay teams ever in the Twin Cities.Over two decades, Paul and Diana got to be a standout amongst the most prominent grapple twosomes in Twin Cities' TV history," which called Pierce a foundation of the KARE family since getting on in 1983 as a commentator. Most as of late, she's co-tied down KARE 11 News at 11 a.m. what's more, KARE 11 News at 4 p.m.