
Hannah Hart

by jayesh,

Hannah Hart was born on November 2, 1986 and her place of birth is Burlingame, California, United States of America. Though her parents were American there is no any detail information other than that. Hart is white according to her ethnicity. And her nationality is American. He is Scorpio according to her zodiac sign. She has two sisters namely Naomi Hart and Maggie Bowen.

Information regarding her educational background is missing. She started her career in 2011 from her YouTube channel, where she was attempting to make a grilled cheese sandwich without any cheese when she was drunk. The video of her was uploaded in the YouTube and she gained numerous views with a figure around 100,000. With a request from her fans she uploaded her other videos. Hart has also hosted other celebrities in the shows like Chef Jamie Oliver, actress Mary-Louise Parker and video blogger Tyler Oakley and many others.

Hannah has also posted a video on January 2013, where she was considering going for a world tour and she launched a campaign to fund this trip, aiming to get $50,000 within a month. But her goal was meeting within a month and she decided to keep rising the fund. Hannah along with her friends Grace Helbig and Mamrie Hart performed a comedy show in NerdMelt, Los Angeles on February 2, 2013. With her performance the audience was so impressed that her videos were uploaded in social Medias with tag #NoFilterShow.

She has also appeared in the comedy film Camp Takota. Hart released her first parody self-help book in August 2014 with a name Parody cookbook. Hannah has also provided her voice in animated web series Bee and PuppyCat. 

Hannah Hart is a very talented girl and she has showed her talent from start of her career. Hart’s sexual orientation is not straight she is lesbian, which she confirmed openly on September 2015. Hannah is also famous as Harto. She currently lives in Los Angeles, United States of America.

She confirmed her affair with fellow YouTuber Ingrid Nilsen. She confirmed about her affair in 2015. And the time when she started dating and where they meet is not updated yet. She is h 0 sexual and she is not married yet. There is also an interesting chapter about her spouse that will she marry a guy or a girl. Hannah is not married yet and she has not children. She is sport and music loving character and she also attends musical functions and musical events. 

Hannah Hart is talented young celebrity and she has popularity over the world. She has blonde hair and blue eyes. There is no any information regarding her net worth and salary. All information relating her career and bio is updated in her official site and Wikipedia.