
Greg Cipes

Greg Cipes was born with his birth name as Gregory Michael Cipes and his birth date is January 4, 1980. This 36 years old man was born in Coral Springs, Florida of United States and belonging to the profession started from the year 1998 till today’s time he is working as an actor, voice actor as well as singer and composer with his dedication across film and music industry. In addition to this Greg is also a professional surfer. Greg mother name is Robin Mrasek and his father name is Geoff Cipes who were running a departmental store in their place of origin. He was brought up by his mother side grandmother as because his parents were busy in their professional workings.

Greg is listed under the 3rd position within United States in the year 1998 as Junior Professional Surfer and his publicity is also earned being as surfing icon from the very phase. Likewise, he also started his acting career with progressive way. The very first character of Greg was as Beast Boy which he got chance to get presented within animated series named as Teen Titans. From the very moment he earned his fame and got chance to appear one after another television and music field across. Along with this Cipes also was an announcer in July till the month of October of 2008 within the popular channel Cartoon Network.

Looking the personal life of this popular celebrity he is a pure vegetarian as claimed by him. He dictated from the year 2014 he started becoming a pure vegetarian. He is totally an animal lover man having 3 pet dogs along with him. The names of his dogs are Shadow, Wingman and Batman. Cipes is not totally opened about his married life. He is a s sumed to be a married man with his girlfriend but he never indicated any person as his affair. Of course Cipes is not a gay and he has never been questioned about his sexuality within this regard. His bio has less of the information related with his personal stuffs and more part of it is highlighted about his career. Cipes claims that he is single but the guesses in his fans is that he is married man who is totally dedicated with his married life. Cipes has also never been any part of divorce story in his life and he seems a totally happy and satisfied man with his career.

Cipes height is 5 feet 9 inches in tall and being a vegetarian he is totally conscious with his weight and body. The salary of this successful superstar is amazing sum of money along with this his earning as a net worth is calculated to be around 2 million American dollars. His salary has also been increased as compared to the last year.