
Greg Berlanti

Greg Berlanti was born in May 24, 1972 and his birth place is located in Rye, New York who is running 43 years old in his age. Greg is a writer, producer as well as director who are active in this profession from a long duration of time. Greg is popular with working in the top ranked television series like Creek, Political Animals as well as Everwood and The Flash. Greg father was a shop keeper and his mother was working in an animal husbandry company. Greg spent his most of the childhood times along with his younger brother in his aunt house because his father and mother were both busy with their professional time of working. His father name is Eugene Berlanti and his mother name is Barbara Moller Berlanti. His ancestry is mixed of Irish and Italian being.

Greg started his career as soon as he completed his graduation. In the very time he worked in Everwood and Jack & Bobby which was the best and absolute presentation that has been done by him. Greg also introduced himself as a director from the film named Life as We Know It which came across in the year 2010 and he was featured along with Josh Duhamel and Katherine Heigl during the very time. He also adapted Spanish television Series by producing The Mysteries of Laura which was for NBC in the very time. Green lantern is his work where he worked as a producer and writer that also succeeded him overcoming all his hard works.

Greg is having is qualitative time as an affair with Robbie Rogers and Robbie is LA Galaxy soccer player. The very time they started their dating was from the middle of the year 2013. Their very first baby is surrogated whose name is Caleb Berlanti and his bio states the baby child was born in February 18, 2016. Greg is silent when he is going to get married with his and mention as his spouse. Greg rumors are soon introducing his girlfriend as his spouse according to some close source of information. Greg hobbies are playing soccer in free time and he is also good in playing volleyball. Greg is not Gay and he has also not been into any rumor about this fact. Greg was also once spotted with his affair last weekend and those pictures were even posted with high limelight from his fans on Instagram account of him.He is also planning to have more children in future.

Greg height, weight and body measurement seems tall and his salary and net worth has not exactly mentioned as sum of amount. Greg net worth is calculated to be 3 million American dollars in the beginning of the year 2015.

Greg is active user of instagram as well as his twitter posts are highly attractive by his fans. Greg is not so active in Facebook.