
Find about the place where you need to pay 2 millions to say "I love you"

Have you ever heard about the place where you need to pay more than a million to say “I Love You” to your beloved one? Maybe not or may you are thinking is there any place like this? Let’s find out about this weird place

Love is precious in life and to feel it people are paying $2 million. Just to express their feelings to their beloved one. This place exists on earth where you need a million dollar to say “I Love You”. For $2million you can buy almost anything you want but millionaires from all around the world are experiencing this expensive loving style.


Yes, it is a restaurant in Singapore called CE LA VI where you need $2million to express your feeling for someone or to propose someone. All the couple who visit this restaurant expresses their feelings in different ways. The atmosphere of this restaurant is quite Romantic. This restaurant was started by Diamond groups almost 15 years ago.


The restaurant makes all the arrangement for the couple with a diamond ring called “The Jane Seymour”  to propose their beloved one. The million dollar date starts from helicopter ride and stops at the luxury cruise than when you arrived in CE LA VI via Rolls-Royce you’re not just welcomed by a bunch of flowers but 10,000 roses and around 18-course meals that you will be eating with diamond Chopstick with other Luxury items.