
Ex- FBI Chief James Comey testimony before Senate about Trump-Russia Probe. WATCH LIVE

by Rajesh Khadka,

Former FBI Chief, James Comey has arrived before the Senate in the hearing room to address about his testimony after President Donald Trump abruptly fired him a month before. Today he will be asked to tell about his conversations with Donald Trump.

Comey's here!

— Alice Ollstein (@AliceOllstein) June 8, 2017

Comey even revealed that he could be fired by the President for no reason or there can be something but doesn't know the reason behind being fired by the White House.

Comey said that the White House "stigmatized" him and affirmed that the FBI was in "confuse." Comey further told the Senate Intelligence Committee that those were lies, plain and simple.

A statement published by Senate Intelligence Committee revealed that Trump might have ordered him to drop the probe into Michael Flynn, former national security advisor in February as told by Comey which is believed to be the reason behind his exit.