

Edward Robert Muscare was born in September 27, 1932 now he is known with his short name Edarem. Edarem birth place is in Queens, New York of United States and he died in January 8, 2012 in the age of 79. It is mentioned that the reason behind his death is due to Lung Cancer that he suffered from long time. Edward is dictated as internet celebrity and he died in lake Butler, Florida of United States. He is also occupationally a host within the television and later within YouTube his videos got the attention from much of the people belonging. Edward mother was born in 1896 and she was born in Caltanisetta Silcily. Before the couple got migrated towards the United States she got married with his father in 1916. Occupationally Edward mother was working within seamstress and additionally his father was a tailor by his job. He belonged from Roman Catholic community with Christianity in his religion.

Edward later moved to Florida for his further education and this was in the year 1945. He was also attentive student during the high school time within Speech and English cla s s. He also got a membership within Glee club and he was also dictated as a “Best Personality” within his school days. Edward also completed his graduation from the University of New York and from the very time he started settling down there. He earned the YouTube fame and earned popularity as an internet personality. Additionally, Edarem was a talented student during his school days and he was very sincere in his study.

Edward news of gifting his girlfriend with the car was great news but the name of that girlfriend was not publicly dictated across. He has also never stated with any affair, married status and spouse within his fans. Though he was noted being a father of his children but they were not publicly announced among the public in general. He used to maintain gap among the media regarding his bio of personal matter than that of his career. This might also be the reason of his low profile which can be seen within Wikipedia and IMDb due to his less fame as well as likes and interest. He was a victim from lungs and respiration problem from the very long time that kept him to moth of death.

Edward was also charged with sexual battery after he got sexually contacted with the 14 years old male. Additionally he was also sent for a prison with the duration of 18 months that dragged the attention of the media from the various parts of the world.

Edward earning as an absolute amount of net worth was around 4 billion dollars and his salary was much earned from the YouTube. He also donated many of his salary within social trust.