
Do you know if talk show host Tavis Smiley married? Ascertain his affairs and dating history

Tavis Smiley is a bachelor of 49 who is famous as a radio host, political commentator, philanthropist and author and another thing he is famous for is not having a female friend in life. The single man is time and again speculated to be h 0sexual too. So, is there someone he is dating these days and is he gay? 

Let's find out all about our radio host and his relationships here. So far, Smiley has kept away all the media attention away from his affair and marriage but not anymore. We are here to the big truth about our TV host and radio jockey.

Long bond with His Co-worker and Partner Denise Pines

Denise Pines has been in Smiley Group, Inc from fifteen long years. Tavis and Pines are very close to each other. So, this relationship is much more than just partnership or friendship because it has lasted more than 15 years. 

Till today the partners have not accepted if they are only emotionally involved or are these two long term friends are actually in love but she surely is one of the strongest contenders in the line of TO-BE girlfriend's of Travis Smiles.

Leshelle Sargent's Rumor with TV Personality Tavis 

Leshell Sargent was once believed to be a legate girlfriend of Tavis Smiley after the closeness and compatibility of these two boss and employee were noticed by the insider staffs in Though certain workers term the relationship as a way used by Leshelle to gain fame but this certainly proves that our loved radio host is not into same sex.

Despite people around her thinks, she is a gold digger the young and elegant Leshelle seems to be a perfect match for Travis but at the end, the question still remains; Are they going to get married?

They started working together back in 2008 and recently she has been promoted to the public manager. She is a marketing and publication manager of his shows and books which are a valid reason for Smiles to spend time with her company's manager so, this could only be professional meetups too but as insider reports, People certainly believe that something interesting is going on between Travis and Sargent.