
Discover the annual salary and net worth of American radio host Sean Hannity

Discover the annual salary and net worth of American radio host Sean Hannity

American well-known journalist Sean Hannity is the host of the show ‘The Sean Hannity Show’.  With his amazing talent and knowledge of politics, he has been known as one of the most versatile anchors in the television industry. He surely is an idol and inspiration for individuals who are keen to join the journalism industry.

The way he has succeeded in the journalism field makes everyone eager to know how much he earns and what is his actual net worth. If you are one of those followers of Sean who has been waiting to know more about him, eagerly, your research ends here. Come on, let's know more about his career, net worth, and earnings.  

Hannity’s Net worth and salary

He has clearly said in an interview that all of his earnings do not come from his journalism field! However, his works on the radio have surely got something with his amazing net worth of around $80 million. He receives a handsome salary amounting to $30 million a year. 

The amount surely looks huge but the effort he has made to earn the amount is so appreciable. His fans and well-wishers surely would get much more motivated seeing those numbers now! 

Hannity’s Career & Achievements

Hannity began his hosting career from radio talk show in 1989 at the volunteer college at UC Santa Barbara. His weekly show on KCSB was turned down just after few months.  Later, he left KSBC where started placing an ad in radio presenting himself as ‘the most talked about college radio host in America’. 

Hannity left WVNN too and joined WGST in Atlanta and started working as a co-host in ‘Hannity and Colmes’, a political program on Fox News and Sunday night show ‘Hannity’s America’. He had won the Marconi award in 2003 and 2007 as the Network syndicated personality of the year from National Association of Broadcaster. 

Several radio and record magazines have honored him with the national talk show host of the year for three times.