
Dennis Haysbert

Dennis Haysbert holds his birth name as Dennis Dexter Haysbert and he belongs from African- American as his nationality. Dennis was born in June 2, 1954 and he is running 61 years old as his age holding the American nationality. Dennis birth place is located within San Mateo, California of United States. The active years of Dennis started from the year 1978 and till the today’s time he made his progressive performances as a television actor. His roles in Padro Cerrano with the character as baseball player are one of the most remarkable and progressive performances of his life within the film trilogy named Major League. Dennis has also a serious and exclusive performance within 24 and he is the son of the mother named Gladys who was working as a homemaker as well as house cleaner in some of the houses around the cities. As well as his father name is Charles Whitney Haysbert Sr. who is also working as an airline security guard as well as deputy sheriff with his post and position.

Dennis completed his high school education in the year 1972 and she had his graduation from San Mateo High School. He was also offered with the athletic scholarship because of his height being 6 feet 5 inches in tall. Later on he also joined to American Academy of Dramatic Arts for his successful enter within the entertainment industry. The professional career of Dennis started from the year 1979 and his exclusive entry within film and television made him to make a success in the bio of his career.

Dennis has also shared about his personal bio among the media. According to Dennis he spent his early childhood within the poverty line therefore he did not had any wealthy time within his childhood time. He got married with his affair for the first time in Elena Simms in the year 1980 till the year 1984. They were even viewed within the public places as boyfriend and girlfriend as being a happy couple but later they had a divorce with their mutual interest with custody of their children. As similar to this he again got married with his other spouse with the long duration of affair named Lynn Griffith in the year 1989 and till the year 2001 they were together as a husband and wife. Now, there is no any spouse in his life and he is no more into the married relationship with any of the girls. Dennis is not a gay and neither has he had any question in his sexuality.

Dennis height is 6 feet 4 inches in tall and his towering height is his trademark. Dennis bio explains his salary and net worth is around 42 million American dollars due to her progressive career and it is a s sumed to be more in the near future.