
David Hasselhoff’s Daughter Hayley Has to Install Breathalyzer in Her Car after Her DUI Arrest

Hayley Ha s selhoff in her DUI case has struck a plea deal.

 Hayley is the daughter of Baywatch actor David.

source: dailymail

 After pa s sing out behind the wheel she was arrested last month. Crossing the limit level twice the limit the 24 years old was found with blood alcohol.

 On Thursday she received orders of prohibition for three years along with concluding a 90 days alcohol course and paid $390 as fine.

source: dailymail

Also, she was instructed to install a breathalyzer which will prevent the ignition making it work less if any alcohol is detected.

She was tested at .14 in her last month interrogation with DUI which is double the limit of 0.8.

source: dailymail

She was arrested on the basis of drinking under influence at 4 AM on Saturday in April. She then was arrested and spent time in jail until it was 6:30 PM and later bailed for $5000.