
David Charvet

David Charvet was born with his birth name as David Franck Charvet who was born in 15 May 1972. David is 43 years old in age. Belonging from French nationality his birth place is located in Lyon, France. David is French singer as well as actor by his professional identity and in addition to this he is also a top ranked television personality who has also worked as a model for promotion of various brands. Since 1992 David is totally active in his professional life and within today he is dictated to be the top ranked actor within the industry. David mother name is Paul Guez and his father name is Christiane Charvet within this his mother was French in nationality and father was holding Tuisian nationality background. David father was working in a national corporation whereas mother was a homemaker who later got divorced due to differences in their mentality and he was brought up by his mother in later times.

David completed his education under the supervision with the home tutor within school times and later he made his big break in the television within the year 1992 and this was within Baywatch. David was caught up within Baywatch with the character as Matt Brody. He worked over there till 3 years of time that ended in the year 1995. After this he also made his absolute presence within Melrose Place that was undertaken by him in the year 1996 till the year 1998. After his interest working as an actor got completed he started moving towards musical career in the year 1999 where he made his official debut.

David is a family person who is very optimistic in nature. On the other hand he is very stable in the aspect of his relationship that is madly in love with his spouse whom he got married in the year 2011. The name of his spouse is Brooke Bruke whom he met for the very first time in a private event and from the very time they started dating which later turned in the relation as affair. Being the father of 2 children he has additional 2 step-children. From the time they officially got married in 12 August 2011 within the current time and context the couple are not demanding and questioning to divorce rather they are showing their love and attachments through the social networking sites. His bio consist no any rumors and extra dating stories besides his spouse.

David height is 6 feet tall and he has a perfect body with good looking structure. In addition to this the current status of his salary is also amazing and dashing like his presentation styles. The current amount of his net worth is double than the previous year which is calculated to be around 4.5 million American dollars.