
Clark Duke

Clark Duke was born in May 5, 1985 and he is running 30 years old as his age. Clark birth place is located in Glenwood, Arkansas of United States and the active years of this popular actor was with the start of his journey from the year 1992 till the today’s time. His character in the films like Kick-Ass as well as in Sex drive is among the best presentation made by him. Along with this his work in Hot Tub Time Machine is also among the remarkable performance of him. He has also been appeared within the television series like Two and Half men as well as Greek, Clark Green. Clark mother and father name is NAgela and Ronnie Duke and spent his early time of childhood as a Baptist. Clark falls under the mixed ancestry belonging to English, Swiss, Scottish and German in his descent.

Clark completed his college level of education and obtained his graduation degree from Loyola Marymount University and in addition to this after his education he presented into the popular TV series named as Greek. His appearance in the film like Superbad is also on the list of his successful professional career. Later due to his natural performance and presentation skills he got nominated with the title as Young Artist Award and this was in the year 1992. He was entitled during the very time as “Outstanding Actor Under ten in a Television Series” during the very time and this was been titled because of his amazing presentation with his remarkable work in Hearts Afire.

Clark has very limited information about his private life and he never respond about his personal bio among the public making his career aside. According to Clark getting into the open information about his personal life makes him to face many rumor and controversy which he never wants to get in. Though he has been spotted with one of the girl in the public place mentioning as his affair by his fans but he did not accepted this fact and ignored by saying they both are good friends of each other. Clark is neither a married man nor has any spouse presented in his life. Accordingly, he loves spending time with children and he often visits to his cousin house to have some qualitative time with his close children. He is also planning to establish his new business company very soon.

Clark height is 5 feet 9 inches in tall and his weight is more than compared to his height that can be a s sumed by looking his pictures. Clark is smart enough in earning his salary with the strong bio of his career and the latest information available dictates of him to earn the net worth of amount 4 million American dollars within the present context of time.