Celine Dion Beautifully Paid Homage to 22 Deaths and 50 Plus Injured In Ariana Grande Concert

In the billboard music awards Celine Dion brought tears to everyone’s eyes and now when the world is mourning after the attack in Manchester, she came up with an emotional tribute to the victims.
She beautifully expressed her feelings on the devastating attack.
In her Vegas concert, Tuesday she asked the audiences to pay homage along with her.
She told them to stand up and hold their hands tight with the person sidewise and to honor the death of 22 people and those over 50 people who suffered injuries in the Ariana Grande concert.
"Let's stand up for Manchester and show them that we care. We're filming this, and we're going to send it across the ocean to those beautiful souls, so let's do that. That's it," she told.
Since many celebrities have come up with their condolence and messages on social media Celine also tweeted "#Manchester I am with you… All my love, Céline xx,"
Ariana Grande also tweeted "broken. From the bottom of my heart, I am so so sorry. I don't have words.