Annie Golden
Annie Golden was born in October 19, 1951 who is currently 64 years old in her age. Golden is popular being as a popular singer as well as an American actress. According to some of the information it has been found that, she was very restless in her early childhood. She uses to break down her toys and irritate her family members. This might also be the reason she was made her home study for a long time because of the risk of sending her to the school. Her mother was a home maker who used to guide Golden in her study.
Annie started her progressive professional career with the beginning being as a lead singer of the band called The Shirts. She also performed within the stage programs as well as also released her 3 albums at the very same time. She had also made many of her best solo performance that made her close across her fans. She later was also showed up in the film called Sixteen Candles where her song was also played with the title “Hang up the Phones”. She later was also screened within the Film and Television with her best roles and performances.
Annie has a low bio within the media in relation to her personal life. It was also been found that, she used to scold those boys who wanted to make her as their affair. She always ignored being in relationship and having a boyfriend. She used to spend time with her friends in most of the time. She once, also slapped one of the boys in the public area during her high school days because of the reason he proposed to her. During the very time the guy was planning to take a revenge being his humiliation but this matter was later shot out. Her career to her is more important than her love in her life as meant by her. This might also be the reason why she is not married till the present time. She also stated, being single is the best without any commitment and responsibility. She loves reading books any biography of the person that helps her to generate more inspiration to success. She is also very gentle in her habits. She is also planning to buy a new house very soon so that she can migrate from the place where she is living because of her internal matters.
Annie has an attractive height and her weight seems proper with that of her height. Her salary and net worth is also attractive and beautiful life her but its estimated data is absent within the social sites and has not been public among the media.
Annie has a low profile within the social networking sites. She is not clearly seen with her personal accounts in social sites.