
Andrea Kremer

American Sports Journalist, Andrea Kremer was born in February 25, 1959 who is 57 now in her age. Her birth place is originated within Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and with her occupation she is working as sports journalist. Currently, she is a s sociated within NFL Network appointed as Chief Correspondent along with that she is also a s sociated within Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel at the very time. With her successful work she is also working as a reporter within Saturday Night Football where she is a s signed being as a reporter over there. Her mother was also a journalist in a local station and father was an event manager. She had wealthy childhood with all of her demands got fulfilled by her parents.

Kremer graduation level of education got completed from Friends Select School which was located near to her home town and after her completion of education over there she also got a s sociated as a student within University of Pennsylvania. During her education she also got a s sociated within Phi Sigma Sigma and raised up with her interest in ballet. In combination to Philadelphia Civic Ballet Company she also delivered her exclusive performance during the very time over there. “Inside the NFL” was the very first project she got a s signed with and she got the recognition as first female producer within the industry. After some works in film she moved to CBS Sports for her performance and joined the team named “We Need To Talk” which collected positive response from her people.  

Her personal interest besides her career is she loves swimming as an important part in summer days. Beside this, she is a teacher of her own design course whose name is “The Art of the Interview”. This is within Boston University as a part of school journalism. She is a married lady and she got married with her affair John Steinberg. Professionally, John is UMa s s Boston Archaeologist and now they are the parents of their son named William Steinberg. More than this, her personal information’s are totally hidden portion from the public and she has not delivered any detail in regard to it. She can be followed within twitter with her latest posts and pictures over there. She is not doubted in her sexuality and also there is no any presence of affair in her life besides her married life. They were high school mates and got married in private ceremony collecting minimum of close friends and family.

The height of this confident journalist is 5 feet 2 inches and her weight is missing information within her profile. More than this, her salary and net worth is also counted under successful range of money. For current time she is able to earn with net worth around 4 million American dollars. She is hoping round 5 million dollars by the end of this year.