
Amy Schumer, the stand-up comedian, gets a violent scene removed from her new movie!

Amy Schumer, the stand-up comedian, gets a violent scene removed from her new movie!

Comedian, actor, and  producer Amy Schumer does not simply utilize her specialty as a way to amuse — as she's demonstrated over and over, she is additionally not reluctant to utilize it as a method for standing up about political issues she's enthusiastic about. Recently,  Schumer has utilized her stardom to  voice her solid sentiments on gun control, first by campaigning for change and, now, by removing a gun-centric scene from her forthcoming movie.

As per some magazines,  Schumer's choice to cut a scene that shows somebody shooting a gun at individuals came after the ma s s shooting that killed 49 individuals at Pulse nightclub this June. The vicious scene would've been featured in the next film Schumer is making with Goldie Hawn and Christopher Meloni, which is set to be released on May 12, 2017, and is presently shooting.

The comedian with the net worth of a million dollar choosing to cut the scene is an honorable move. However, nothing unexpected given her history with weapon control activism. After July 23, 2015, when two individuals were executed and nine were injured in a shooting at a Louisiana appearing of Schumer's film Trainwreck, the actor promptly made a move, working together with her cousin, New York Senator Chuck Schumer, to advocate for gun control legislation.

The duo words transformed without hesitation, as in August 2015, the Schumer cousins got together to make another firearm control activity, and reported their arrangement at a question and answer session in New York.

Sickening news. All my love to Orlando.

— Amy Schumer (@amyschumer) June 12, 2016

Amy gave an emotional speech, saying that the Louisiana shooter shouldn't have possessed the capacity to get a gun in any case. The actor who is yet to be married contended that however "the critics scoff and say, 'Well, there's no way to stop crazy people from doing crazy things'... they're wrong."