
After Nearly 20 years of Marriage Ben Stiller and Christine Taylor Are Getting a Divorce

by Riya,

Ben Stiller and Christine Taylor announced their break-up in a joint statement. The longtime couple released a joined statement that read:

"With tremendous love and respect for each other and the 18 years we spent together as a couple, we have made the decision to separate."

The couple married in May 2000 in Hawaii and have 2 children together. Ben Stiller and Christine Taylor have an 11 -year-old Son Quinlin and a 15-year-old daughter Ella.

Ben and Christine met on the sets of the 1999 short film ‘Heat Vision and Jack’, they ended up doing many films together, like Zoolander, Dodgeball and Tropic Thunder.

Separation/Divorce is always hard on couples with children, not to mention the children themselves as well. Taking the fact in consideration, the couple added

 "Our priority will continue to be raising our children as devoted parents and the closest of friends’’, in their statement.’’

Even though the neither of them has officially filed for divorce, it is certain that soon enough one of them will, what else could such a public announcement of separation mean for a couple who’s been married for 18 years and known each other for 20?